Rave 1: Gadget Girl
All I can say is it is a good thing I dont get the QVC channel cause I would have purchased more than my fair share of turnip twaddlers. I am the girl that goes to the state fairs primarily to attend the home shows so that I can see in action the latest gadget. Then I spend the rest of the night
booring whoever is with me about all the details of what it can do. Problem is most of of them LIE! How many of us have bought those “as seen on TV” items from Bed Bath and Beyond only to be disappointed yet once again cause it DOESN’T do anything that it did on TV (my latest purchase was the space bags……..DON’T GET THEM!……THEY DON’T WORK! Anyways, just so my rave doesnt turn into a rant let me tell you about some gadgets that I do like that acutally work!

Zyliss Garlic Press........best in the universe
This is my favorite garlic press in the whole wide world. THROW OUT…I mean recycle…whatever you have (I’m betting you have more than one) and get this one! It can be kinda expensive at $14.99 but it is SO worth it! You wont regret it! You can press the whole clove without peeling it! Yes, you heard me, no peeling necessary and it still works! Sturdy, easy to clean what more could you ask for?
Microplane Zester/Grater

Here is my second favorite gadget, the Microplane zester/grater. Do yourself a favor and get rid of those bendy ones that were left over from your college days…you deserve better…SO MUCH BETTER and this it! It dices and slices and… no, it ZESTS silly! but boy does it do it well! Perfectly fine and no white part which makes any dish bitter
Just try not to get overly zealous and leave any of you in your dish
Just try not to get overly zealous and leave any of you in your dish
Rave 2: Hearts abound!

I have always been attracted to hearts. Not sure why, since I would not call myself a romantic (even though I do have “love” in my name) but all I can say is the shape is nice and for some reason I seem to find them EVERYWHERE and I do mean EVERYWHERE! Since I am a foodie of course I find them in food. So here are a few I will share with you. I would LOVE to see what hearts you find. Please send them my way and let me know if I have permission to use them (giving rightful credit of course) in my someday soon book

A Perfect Cup of Earl Grey
I usually don’t recommend that my clients drink black tea since the black color is due to fermentation and the process creates mold. But, I have found one company that I don’t react to, so I thought I would share that information with you. Living in the Bay Area is a tea lovers heaven! FarLeaves tea company is by far my hands down favorite for both Earl Grey and Roobios (which it appears no one can agree how to pronounce…roy bous? roy boss? or roee bose?). The Earl Grey is “delicately” (very important) scented with bergamot and has actual real rose petals in it…LOVELY! The Roobios is the perfect
combination of slightly sweet and earthy with apple and woody undertones. I sound like I am describing a fine wine and I guess for a real tea connoisseur, it is something like that! I think my favorite part of making Earl Grey is pouring in the soy creamer…I love the swirl it makes! What your favorite teas are and why?
combination of slightly sweet and earthy with apple and woody undertones. I sound like I am describing a fine wine and I guess for a real tea connoisseur, it is something like that! I think my favorite part of making Earl Grey is pouring in the soy creamer…I love the swirl it makes! What your favorite teas are and why?